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OW2's picture

About OW2

OW2 is a global open-source software community whose mission is to develop open source code middleware and to foster a vibrant community and business ecosystem. The consortium itself is an independent non-profit organization open to companies, public organizations, academia and individuals.

Our goal is the development of open-source distributed middleware, in the form of flexible and adaptable components. OW2 is committed to making available to everyone the best and most reliable middleware technology.

The OW2 Consortium was initiated on January 1, 2007 through the merger of ObjectWeb and Orientware, two leading open source middleware communities of renown industry players, innovative start-ups, prominent academic organizations and individuals from across the world.

The OW2 projects aim at facilitating the development, deployment and management of distributed applications with a focus on open source middleware and related development and management tools. In the open source software value chain, OW2 is positioned as an industry platform facilitating interaction between open source code producers and open source code consumers.

OW2's Commitment to FOSSBaazar

At OW2, we want to address all those conventional information managers who see open source as a jungle and feel unconfortable with it. We are convinced that FOSSBaazar is part of the answer here. As a community-driven open source business ecosystem platform, OW2 is already offering its members a governance framework for their development projects. We want to go one step further and share our experience, and learn together with FOSSBazaar members in order to help grow open source into the mainstream marketplace way beyond the sandbox of current believers.