FOSSBazaar Mission

FOSSBazaar is no longer being updated. The information on this site is preserved for your convenience but may be out of date. Please visit Linux Foundation's Open Compliance Program for current information and activities.

A community for free and open source software governance

What does it take to build a bulletproof IT environment with open source software from desktop to datacenter?

Governance best practices, automation tools, and open communication

FOSSBazaar is an open community of technology and industry leaders who are collaborating to accelerate adoption of free and open source software in the enterprise. Specifically, FOSSBazaar, as a working group of the Linux Foundation, provides a neutral venue to to:

  • Expand upon the open source value proposition for a richer, safer, less expensive, better overall IT experience.
  • Focus on free and open source software governance best practices, education and tools.

Open doors

Freely access or share a wide range of information from beginner to expert.

Know your software

Differentiate best practices between commercial and open source software. Address legal and technical implications of open source software.

Break down boundaries

Map developer community input to enterprise needs for open source integration and deployment.

Integrate / deploy faster

Access best practices and tools to rapidly identify open source components, assess license vulnerabilities, and determine best practices.