tbm's blog

FOSSBazaar is no longer being updated. The information on this site is preserved for your convenience but may be out of date. Please visit Linux Foundation's Open Compliance Program for current information and activities.

FOSSBazaar face to face meeting at LF Collaboration Summit

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As in the last two years, we'll be holding a FOSSBazaar face to face meeting at the LF Collaboration Summit. The Collaboration Summit takes place from Wednesday April 14 to Friday April 16 in San Francisco and our meeting will be on Thursday and Friday. Our focus this year is on the following two efforts:

Webinar: Top 10 Questions to Ask Before Exporting Software Containing Encryption

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Eran Strod of Black Duck Software will give a webinar about the "Top 10 Questions to Ask Before Exporting Software Containing Encryption" on Thursday, January 14th (11:30am ET, 8:30am PT).

This webinar is free of charge but you have to register.

Here is the full description:

Webinar: Top 10 Ways to Stretch Your Budget by Using More Open Source Software in 2010

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OpenLogic and FOSSBazaar invite you to a webinar about stretching your budget with open source software:

Wednesday, December 9 2009
11:00am Pacific / Noon Mountain / 1:00pm Central / 2:00pm Eastern / 7:00pm GMT
Duration: 1 hour
Hosted by Kim Weins, Sr VP of Marketing for OpenLogic, and Rod Cope, OpenLogic's CTO and Founder

As budgets and priorities for 2010 begin to take shape, many enterprises are looking to open source as a way to stretch software budgets and meet business demands. In the last year, enterprises large and small have shifted to a proactive stance: striving to use open source whenever possible.

This webinar will explore the process of enterprise open source software adoption from the perspective of three key stakeholders within the typical organization: developers, architects, and CIOs. We'll examine the unique challenges and goals of each of these roles, giving you tips on:

Project management lessons from the FreeDOS Project

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A lot of people seem to think that open source is a magic solution to project management and that open source projects will automatically attract a large and healthy community of contributors and users who will improve the software. This, of course, is not the case. In fact, creating a successful open source project is a really major and difficult effort. You have to deliver an initial promise that people find interesting, attract other people, then facilitate and lead the community, etc. You just have to look at all the failed projects on SourceForge that never delivered any code to see that "open source" is not a guarantee for success.

Webinar: Top 10 Issues Confronting Users of Open Source

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DLA Piper and FOSSBazaar invite you to a webinar on the Top 10 Issues Confronting Users of Open Source hosted by Mark Radcliffe of DLA Piper.

While the use of open source has become ubiquitous, a recent survey indicates that less than 50 percent of companies have an open source use policy. During this webinar, we will discuss major mistakes companies make in managing the use of open source as well as best practices in managing open source use.

Thursday, October 29, 2009
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. PST
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. MST
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CST
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. EST

This invitation-only event is complimentary, but pre-registration is required. We encourage you to register as soon as possible because space is limited.